Friday, 23 October 2015

Announcing Bookish Spinsters!

Bookish Spinsters Button

I was really inspired by Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne. In the book, the three friends, Evie, Lottie and Amber discuss how they're not a fan of how the word "spinster" has such negative connotations to it - the old, haggared, lonely cat lady nobody wants - when the male counterpart, "bachelor", only has positive connotations. They decide to reclaim the word, and give it new meaning; to them, a spinster is, in a nutshell, a strong, independant feminist who knows her the worth of women. They form The Spinster Club where they get together to discuss sexism and feminist ideas. This whole idea was on my mind a lot as it's so awesome! I began talking with some fellow bloggers and booktubers about it and an idea I have to create something that we could do online, and Bookish Spinsters was born!

Inspired by Top Ten Tuesday as well as Am I Normal Yet?, Bookish Spinsters is a weekly link-up to discuss feminism and feminist ideas. Every Friday there will be a different feminist topic for bloggers and booktubers to respond and reflect on. To find out more about about the link-up and for the schedule, head to the Bookish Spinsters page.

The first topic is What is Feminism?, and the link-up will go up next week, Friday 30th October.

Please feel free to comment or tweet me @JoanneStapley with suggestions for topics, questions or prompts, and please get talking about Bookish Spinsters, using the #BookishSpinsters hashtag, so more people can get involved!

I'm really looking forward to reading all your posts!

Note: There will be a graphic, it's just still in the works. I'll tweet once a graphic is available.


  1. This sounds pretty neat!!! I think its important to realize one can still live a fulfilled life and not be married. Of course I think Marriage is a goal for me, but I refuse to settle....but in the meantime still live a full and happy life.

    1. This is definitely a topic that could be discussed, but that's not the focus of the link-up. It's to discuss various feminist ideas. You don't have to be single to be a Bookish Spinster :) But you're right, marriage isn't necessary to be happy :)

  2. Eeeep this sounds SO GREAT!! I'm so happy you're doing it, Jo! (Although I probably won't be able to link up every week but I'm definitely going to be joining in!)

    1. YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank you, Cait! I'm looking forward to your posts! And generally talking with everyone. I just hope more people take part in future :( Just one person so far.
