Saturday 28 June 2014


First Class Post (67) & Weekly Recap

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post

Check out Sunday mail memes:
Showcase Sunday on Books, Bisuits and Tea
The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

For review:

Boy 21 by Matthew Quick - I absolutely loved Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock. So much so, I had to request Boy 21 when it became available on Bookbridgr. I am SO excited to read this!

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - Eee! Everyone raves about these romances, so I'm glad to have one at last. Do I need to have read Anna and the French Kiss first, though? Anyone know?

Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid - THIS SOUNDS AWESOME! And I do love me a road trip book!

My Second Life by Faye Bird - Oh my god, this sounds so good! I am so intrigued by the prospect of past lives, and this is the first time I've come across it in a book, I think. Really looking forward to reading this UKYA debut!

Replica by Jack Heath - This sounds SO good! And it's fairly short, too.

Lies Like Love by Louisa Reid - I heard about this through Mental Health Awareness Month posts on both Blog of Erised and Uncorked Thoughts, and it sounds awesome! Really intrigued by how the mental health issues are presented in this book.


Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire - So many people loved McGuire's Beautiful series, when I was offered this to review, I thought I'd give it a go. It's a companion series, I believe. Not sure if I need to read the first lot or not, yet.

Thank you to Headline via Bookbridgr, Usborne, Mira Ink, OUP, Penguin and Simon and Schuster via NetGalley for the review copies.


Inspired by Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts's Weekly Recap, here is a recap of my posts over the last week, and anything else I found interesting.

Race for Life

My Mum and I took part in Race for Life today to raise money for Cancer Research UK. We were rained on, and it was a bit emotional, but so awesome! Our target was £200, and we raised £450! We're super happy with how we've done, proud we took part and did it for our Nan/Mum, and hope the money we raised will save someone's life :)

Me at Race for Life
Before the Race! (Sorry about my eyes, it was quite bright!)

Mum and I after completing Race for Life
And after, after completing in 5k in 57 mins and 49 seconds! :)

Sponsor me on Just Giving


  1. Awesome haul! And congrats on your Race for Life successes.

    1. Thank you! :) Really looking forward to reading them!

  2. Congrats on your Race for Life achievement! You don't need to have read Anna to read Lola, but as the characters pop up, you might get more out of it if you do.

    1. Thanks, Sophie! :) Oooh! I'll have to try and get ahold of it then :)

  3. You got Boy21! Yay~ Happy reading! :) And congrats on your accomplishment! Well done!!

    1. I did, I did! I'm so happy! Really looking forward to reading it! :) Thank you! :)

  4. Great haul :)
    And well done on the race for life! Go you!
    Happy reading, Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  5. Amazing haul, so many great books :D And congrats on your Race for Live achievement!

    My Showcase Sunday @ So Bookalicious

  6. I still need to read Stephanie Perkins - I have AatFK though. Sounds really sweet.

    1. It does! I need to get my hands on a copy. I don't want to spoil things for myself. :)

  7. Thank you! :) Really looking forward to reading them all :)

  8. Well done on doing the Race for Life - you raised a great amount of money too! I'd read Anna first before Lola just because the characters appear in both. Anna was such a cute book and I can't wait to read Lola next! Great haul :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  9. Great haul! I've heard great things about Let's Get Lost. Congrats on the 5K! Have a great week!

  10. Well done you, and congratulations! I've done it before and the atmosphere is awesome at Race for Life.
    Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  11. Wow, what a great haul! (And congratulations about the Race for Life - it's so great that you got DOUBLE your goal. Again, wow!)

  12. Massive congratulations about the Race for Life!
    I loved Leonard Peacock too and like you, requested Boy21 when I saw it on Bookbridgr. It's a good book but I didn't love it as much as LP. :(
