Sunday, 18 May 2014


First Class Post (61) & Weekly Recap

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post

Check out Showcase Sunday over on Books, Bisuits and Tea.

For review:

The Sound by Sarah Alderson & Come Back to Me by Mila Grey (eProofs) - Both of these eProofs came from Sarah Alderson. I've yet to read The Sound, and as it came out in the US on 13th May, she sent me an eProof, and offered a copy of her New Adult novel, Come Back to Me, written under the pseudonym Mila Gray. Looking forward to reading both! Neither are pictured.


Winnie-the-Pooh: The Complete Collection of Stories and Poems by A. A. Milne - This was in the damaged box at work. The box is a little bashed, but the book inside, apart from slightly worn corners, is perfect! This would normally cost £40! Pretty happy with my find! :)


Rich and Mad by William Nicholson (not pictured) - This is just a heads up really. Foyles is having a MASSIVE clearance sale at the moment. So many books are 75% off! I bagged Rich and Mad for £1.75! I already own this book, but I thought it would be good for a giveaway for SiTL Month II!

Thank you to Sarah Alderson for the review copies.


Inspired by Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts's Weekly Recap, here is a recap of my posts over the last week, and anything else I found interesting.


Where She Went by Gayle Forman

This week I read three books, two of which are for SiTL Month II. The first was Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar, a really beautiful and moving story! Next I read and reviewed Where She Went by Gayle Forman, another amazing story! Such a fan of Forman! And finally I read Purity by Jackson Pearce, which was good, but kind of young.


The Guardian has been talking about LGBTQ YA all week over on it's children's books site. Check out the overview to see the awesome posts there have been over the past seven days.

On the Foyles website, a new staff blog post has gone up from me discussing the New Adult category.


  1. What a treasure you uncovered with the complete Winnie-the-Pooh! So you are a bookseller at Foyle's? My favourite bookshop, will have to drop in and say hello when I am next in London.

    1. I am, yes! :) It is gorgeous, isn't it? I love it! And in such good condition!

  2. Aw Winnie the Pooh <3 that is adorable!

  3. I need to get a copy of Where She Went, I *loved* If I Stay.

    1. Ooh, it was really good! I loved it! :) I'm sure you will too!

  4. Replies
    1. I loved the movie! So awesome to see it sticks quite true to the book :)

  5. Sarah Alderson! Oh how I love her... Yet the last thing I read was Losing Lila! I hope you love The Sound. Can't wait for your review <3

    1. Isn't she awesome?! I'm really looking forward to reading both her books! :D
