Tuesday 8th-Thursday 10th April 2014, Earls Court, London
Author HQ is the place at The London Book Fair for established and aspiring authors and there is plenty on offer at this year’s Fair. Launched as a response to increasing interest from the self-publishing community, and sponsored by Kindle Direct Publishing, LBF will host a three day seminar programme featuring a fantastic line up of speakers including publishers, authors and agents, who will share their advice and experience on how to get published successfully.
Seminars will cover a whole range of subject areas from advice on how authors can help readers discover their books; the increasing opportunities around publishing short form fiction and non-fiction; contract negotiation and the types of deals first-time authors can expect; through to how to self-publish successfully from the point of view of authors who have already done so; the future of the book in the 21st century; and a session on what book reviewers are looking for, featuring Daily Mail literary editor Sandra Parsons.
Each jam-packed day of seminars will kick off with an Introduction to Publishing seminar, with four experts presenting a whistle-stop tour of publishing in 45 minutes - a quick fire publishing industry overview, with an editor, literary agent and bookseller talking about their specific areas of expertise. There will also be a daily slot by independent bestselling authors who will discuss using Kindle Direct Publishing and CreateSpace to fuel readership growth. In addition to the seminar programme, Kobo Writing Life is offering a free professional photo shoot at Author HQ – book your slot online.
Attendees are also invited to come along and support ten authors who will be taking part in The Write Stuff, a Dragon’s Den-style panel event which will see them pitch their books to a panel of four literary agents. After each busy day, attendees will be able to enjoy a drink and network with other authors and publishing professionals.
Find out more information on the Author HQ programme
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