Sunday, 14 July 2013

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Your LGBTQ YA Recommendations

LGBTQ YA monthWith my reading and planning for LGBTQ YA Month, one of the things I've discovered is just how few books there are out there. It is much easier to find YA novels with lesbian, gay, and sometimes bisexual characters than it is to find books with characters that identify with other aspects of the QUILTBAG spectrum, but even saying that, there are still very few of those.

At the end of every blog event I hold, I have a Further Reading post of the books I've discovered that fit the theme that I didn't get to read. But because these books are quite a minority in the YA world, I thought I would open this up to you guys. If you know of any obscure or not widely known LGBTQ YA novels - especially those with transgendered/transexual, intersexual, asexual. genderqueer/genderfluid or undecided characters, or characters identify as anything else, as well as lesbian, gay and bisexual characters - please share them here! I will add them to my list of books for Further Reading at the end of the month! Thank you!


  1. I'm currently reading 'Openly Straight' by Bill Konigsberg, a new YA contemporary novel from the US which takes a look at the weight of labels. An interesting flip on the ubiquitous coming out narrative, protagonist Rafe changes schools and decides to go label free.

    1. Oooh, sounds intriguing! Thanks, Charlie! I'll add it to the list!

  2. Thank you, Lucy! I'll look it up and add it to the list!

  3. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe!!! <333

  4. 'Pages for You' by Sylvia Brownrigg (not strictly a YA novel but very YA-friendly - great coming of age story); 'Stir-Fry' by Emma Donoghue.

    1. Thank you! I'll look them up and add them! Cheers!

  5. Almost anything by David Levithan!

    1. Already on the list! :) But thank you! :)

  6. Empress of the World by Sara Ryan - it's quite a gentle read, rather than being full of drama, but I really liked it.

    1. Cool, thanks Julianne! I'll add it to the list.

  7. The Gives Light series, by Rose Christo - fascinating look into the Native American culture, with engaging characters.

    1. Great stuff! Thanks, Aislinn, I'll add them to the list!
