The cover for The Boy with 2 Heads by Andy Mulligan has been released, and it's another cover by Richard Collingridge!

Isn't it awesome?! So clever!
There's some Stephen King news from Hodder and Stoughton:

On 21st March, publishers Hodder & Stoughton revealed the cover for Stephen King's novel DOCTOR SLEEP, with an animated, interactive and shareable image featuring the book artwork.
DOCTOR SLEEP sees Stephen King return to the characters and territory of one of his most popular novels ever, The Shining, and will be published on 24th September 2013.
Fans can watch the cover animate and follow hotspots to exclusive content, including a video of Stephen King reading from DOCTOR SLEEP, and to enter a competition to be the first UK reader of the book. Fans can then embed the animated, interactive image across their own sites and social channels. The platform will automatically update across all sites as new content about the book is released.
You can find full details in the press release. But the best way to experience the cover is to check it out yourself, on the website.
And there's also some news on the Daughter of Smoke and Bone movie from Hodder and Stoughton:
Stuart Beattie, the high-profile screenwriter whose credits include Collateral and 30 Days of Night, has been chosen to adapt Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor for the big screen! Joe Roth, the producer of Oz the Great and Powerful and Universal’s own Snow White and the Huntsman, will be producing the film.
The prolific Beattie has also worked on G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra, Pirates of the Caribbean and the upcoming I, Frankenstein, which he also directed. He made his directorial debut with the Australian teen war movie, Tomorrow When the War Began.
Further info here!
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