Sunday, 20 May 2012

Possible Book Bloggers Penpals Scheme - Are You Interested?

Hey everyone. So I had this idea, but the idea is very, very basic, so this post is to find out if anyone would be interested, and if people are, how to go about it.

Over the years, I have been a huge fan of writing letters. I can't count the number of penpals I've had, and ot describe the enjoyment I got from receiving a letter and responding. I had at some point come across a blog for blogging penpals, and thought it was a book blogging one, but it's actually a beauty one - see here. So, looking at it, I thought it may be cool if there was some sort penpal scheme for us book bloggers. A few people said they were interested on Twitter, so this post is to discuss!

Would you be interesting in becoming penpals with another/other book blogger/s? If so, how should we do it?

My suggestions/thoughts:

Those who want to take part would provide information such as whether they would want a penpal from home or from abroad, or either, and also their mailing address - which would obviously be kept safe. They would then create a post/page on their blog that is easily found, with a little penpal "bio"; a few things about themselves, their hobbies, where they're from (general, not specific - i.e. London), etc etc. Once there have been a few requests for penpals, people can be matched up. There may be other specifics we'll need to take into account for matching which we could discuss. A blogger will be sent links to those bio pages of a few bloggers to see if these are people they'll want to write to and know what to respond to, and then mailing addresses are requested.

Actually, having just written that out, it sounds a little complicated. I'm now thinking a blog, inspired by the beauty blogging one, should be set up for it. People's bios/descriptions of the type of people they would like to write to will be added to the blog, and people can browse through and see who they may like to talk to. These bios/descriptions can be separated into countries, so people can find people from where they're from if they want to stay within their own country, but also by type of blog - i.e. YA, fantasy, classics, chicklit, etc, so people can find like-minded bloggers.

What do people think of the one linked to above? I don't personally like the gift idea, I'm more for the letters themselves, I don't need to receive gifts, but maybe the way they run things is something we could discuss. What do you think? I think, seeing as that blog inspired the idea, they should be credited as inspiration for the idea. We do not need any more controversy. If there are enough people who are interested, I think I'll get in contact with them anyway, just to make sure there's not going to be any issues.

But obviously, if there aren't enough people who are interested, it won't happen. If you are interested, please say so in the comments, and it would be cool if you could tweet the link, too, please - the more people who know about the discussion, the easier it will be to decide whether we're going to try and do something or not. Thanks.

Anyone else have any other ideas? Or things you'd want to discuss, maybe something I haven't yet thought of? If people want to take part, we need to be happy with how things are done. So comment away!


  1. Definitely up for this. I'm not fussed about gifts. Having separate bios for different countries is good. A blog might be good so that it can be promoted... But we need to make sure only people signed up can get addresses from the 'address-keeper'!

    1. That is a good point. Maybe underneath each bio there could be an email link - "request address" with a subject for the specific blogger included, which goes straight to the person with the addresses. They'll have to confirm within that email that they're a member, and the person with the addresses will be responsible for double checking.

      OR there is no address keeper. Blogger A sends an email about writing to Blogger B that goes to whoever is upholding the blog, they then pass the email on to Blogger B, who can then check out Blogger A, and decide for themselve whether they share their address or not. If they want to, they email Blogger A themselves, if not, so there aren't any issues, they email blog upholder saying no, who emails back Blogger A to say Blogger B declined the penpal request. Does that make sense? Might be a better way to do it, only YOU decide who gets your address.

  2. I personally love this idea. It seems like so much fun! :)

  3. I was big into letter writing for many years but fell away from it when I began blogging. I miss getting letters in the mail. So, I am interested! I am big on privacy and like the idea of only giving out my own address. I also like your idea of a separate blog. I would ne in it for the letters too. I am not crafty at all and sending gifts can get expensive. Maybe leave gifts as optional?

    1. Great stuff! Sounds great, I'm actually quite liking the idea of giving out my own address, myself.
      I think mentioning gifts in our own thing is kind of moot, if we're not up for it. If people think of sending gifts, then they can do that, but if not then they don't.

  4. Brilliant idea! I love writing and receiving letters so would be really keen on taking part in this.

  5. This sounds like a great Idea. I'm surprised no one tried it before. I'd love to take part

  6. I think this is a really fun idea! I've wanted a pen pal for a really long time, and it's even better if they like books too!

  7. I think it sounds lovely, I'm a really new blooger so it would be great to way to "meet" new friends, plus I miss letters.

    Not fussed re gifts either.

    1. Great stuff! It should be an awesome way to connect! :)

  8. I'm interested! And once I get back on my computer, I'm going to be a new follower as well. :)

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  9. Sounds like fun. Never had a penpal before. I did want a penpal in school but it never worked out. The school never went through with it.

    1. Cool stuff! Hopefully we can sort something out! :)
