Saturday, 5 May 2012

In My Mailbox (93)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

in my mailbox

For review:

Rapture by Lauren Kate - Goodreads / Amazon
I HAVE RAPTURE! A manuscript of Rapture! Rapture, Rapture, Rapture! You know not the excitment I feel nor how big my grin is!

Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid - Goodreads / Amazon
This book... it sounds awful - topic-wise, not story-wise. I know I'm going to have a hard time with it, but I feel it'll be a really important book.

Dearly Departed by Lia Habel  - Goodreads / Amazon
This is the UK paperback. I LOVE the cover, even if it is just a brooding, dead, cracked and crumbly guy. It doesn't say "historical" like the hardback did, but the guy makes up for it!

All Spell Breaks Loose by Lisa Shearin - Goodreads / Amazon
The sixth and final book in the Raine Benares series! Eeee! Unfortunately, I've yet to read Con & Conjure (the one I named! Read here and here), and I feel so guilty every time I see it. I must pick it up soon! Looking forward to reading both, but sad the series is about to end. :( LOVE the cover though! Aleta Rafton - awesome cover artist (interview can be read here) - is super talented!

Wintercraft by Jenna Burtenshaw - Goodreads / Amazon
I already have this book, so I'm unsure why I've been sent it again - I think it may have been a mistake, as the ptrss release for the sequel was included. However, the copy I have is a proof, so now I have a finished copy!

Dark Companion by Marta Acosta - Goodreads / Amazon
EBook requested via NetGalley! This book sounds SO good! I'm really looking forward to it!

ETA: When I originally posted this IMM, I was unaware of all the issues going on. Things will change from next week.


  1. Oo, you have Black Heart Blue. Some of us were talking about that last week. Sounds fabulous. Looking forward to your review, Jo.

    1. Thanks! I'm really intrigued by it, though I'm pretty sure it's going to be a sad read. Oddly, looking forward to it!

  2. JO! You got a manuscript of Rapture. Did you know you got a manuscript of Rapture?! DID YOU KNOW?! I really enjoy the series, so I'm excited to see how it all ends!! I LOVE Dearly, Departed!! Bram (zombie guy) is such a freaking sweetheart, honestly <3

    Oh gosh, BHB DOES sound so sad and tragic ;( I hope it's an amazing read for you. I hope ALL of these are! I cannot wait for your reviews!

    1. I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD RAPTURE, DO I?! EEEE! Haha! :P I am soooo excited to read it! :D Though I am yet to read Fallen in Love. I am a bad, bad fan! Too many books I feel I HAVE to read. I am not running or taking part in series specific challenges or taking part in blog tours requiring a review anymore! Lol.

      It's because of the enthusiasm of both you and Lisa that I'm looking forward to Dearly Departed :) Though I'm generally not the biggest historical fan and steam punk doesn't really appeal to me. But I'm looking forward to trying it!

      I know! I kind of want and don't want to read BHB. I like being sad, but not sure I'll like it this way; I'd rather read about someone dying than about someone being hurt. I will read it though!

      Thank you, misses! :D

  3. I love Dearly Departed and hope you do too!! <3 Haven't read the Fallen series but I know so many people are excited about rapture haha! Hope you enjoy all of these :)

    All Hail The Mail

    1. Thank you! So looking forward to Rapture, and Dearly Departed based on your raving :)

  4. I need to reread the Fallen series, so I'm fresh and can finish the whole series!

    Happy reading

    1. Thanks! I'm so looking forwardto Rapture! :)

  5. You got rapture i want it enjoy your books Jo. Click on my name to see what i got in my mailbox.

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to Rapture!

  6. I haven't read the Fallen Series either. I need to do that real soon.

    Nancy @ Avid Reader
    New Follower

    1. Oh, it's such an awesome series! I love it! Hope you do too!

  7. great books this week, Ive requested a bound copy of Rapture rather than the MS cos I find it hard reading them but I'm looking forward to it! And Black Heart Blue?! Heard really good things about that one! Hope you enjoy all these!

    1. I read a manuscript of Torment, it was fine, so I don't mind. I just want to read it noooow! Lol.
      Oh, that's great to hear! Though I still think I'll have a hard time with Black Heart Blue :) Thank you!
