Friday, 16 July 2010

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News: The Choir Boats by Daniel Rabuzzi Available as Free Download!

I received some news today from author Daniel Rabuzzi saying his debut fantasy novel The Choir Boats is available as a free ebook in July!

My debut fantasy novel The Choir Boats (ChiZine Publications, Toronto, 2009) is featured as Wowio's July Book of the Month. During July 2010 only, the e-book version is FREE here.

Reviewers describe it as “Gulliver’s Travels crossed with The Golden Compass and a dollop of Pride and Prejudice,” and "a muscular, Napoleonic-era fantasy that, like Philip Pullman's Dark Materials series, will appeal to both adult and young adult readers." The Choir Boats was selected by January Magazine as a Top Ten YA Novel for 2009.

This special edition of the novel includes bonus illustrations by Deborah A. Mills. It's also DRM-free, so it can be read on any device compatible with PDFs, and shared with friends just like a regular book.

the choir boats by Daniel RabuzziThe Choir Boats by Daniel Rabuzzi - London, 1812 Yount, Year of the Owl

What would you give to make good on the sins of your past? For merchant Barnabas McDoon, the answer is: everything.

When emissaries from a world called Yount offer Barnabas a chance to redeem himself, he accepts their price -- to voyage to Yount with the key that only he can use to unlock the door to their prison. But bleak forces seek to stop him: Yount's jailer, a once-human wizard who craves his own salvation, kidnaps Barnabas's nephew. A fallen angel -- a monstrous owl with eyes of fire -- will unleash Hell if Yount is freed. And, meanwhile, Barnabas's niece, Sally, and a mysterious pauper named Maggie seek with dream-songs to wake the sleeping goddess who may be the only hope for Yount and Earth alike.

Find out more about The Choir Boats on Daniel Rabuzzi's website.


  1. I downloaded this yesterday, and I'm looking forward to reading it. Looks so good!

  2. Awesome! I really hope you enjoy it! :)
