Monday, 17 May 2010

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Event Report: The First UK YA Book Bloggers Meet Up

A group of 13 women of varying ages caused havoc at Costa Coffee shop in the basement of Waterstone's Piccadilly on Saturday 15th May, at 12pm. Other customers looked on in shock as the ladies pushed tables together and formed a huge meeting. Their reason for meeting? To discuss books.

bloggers meet up
Sammee, Becky, Caroline, and Sophie.
Click the image for a larger view.

Those in attendance of the first ever London YA Book Blogger's Meet Up were Lynsey of Narratively Speaking, Sarah of Sarah's Book Reviews, Cat of This Count's as Writing, Right?, Sammee of I Want to Read That, Becky of The Bookette, Caroline of Portrait of a Woman, Sophie of So Many Books, So Little Time, Nayu of Nayu's Reading Corner, Carly of Writing from the Tub, Kelly and Lauren from RHCB, Non from Catnip Publishing, and myself. The ladies had travelled to London for the meet up from across England, including Southampton, Basingstoke, and Bath.

bloggers meet up
Caroline, Sophie, Cat and Nayu.
Carly was next, but I didn't realise I'd missed her. Sorry Carly!
Click the image for a larger view.

Ok, I'm done trying to write this like an article. It's been forever since I've actually written an article, and it's already taken me too long to write this much. Saturday was such a great day! It would be a little difficult to mention everything about the meet up, so I'll give you a rough overview. A few of the things discussed: Twilight, Fallen, the Vampire Academy series, werewolves and vamps. The books bloggers were writing, books publishers were publishing, books we were reading. Recommendations flew all over (I should have written some down. I remember Heavenly, and that's about it. Ladies, if you're reading, and you mentioned to me a book I should read, comment please!). Some of the ladies went to browse books, while Sarah, Lynsey and I stayed behind to eat and watch bags, and so being three of, if not the only, bloggers who also review some adult fantasy, urban fantasy was discussed, including Jeaniene Frost, Lara Adrian, Keri Arthur, Laurell K Hamilton, J. R. Ward - basically, books that have sex scenes, but those with more story than sex and vice versa - I'm more of a fan of the former, Jeaniene Frost ftw!

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Kelly (RHCB), Lauren (RHCB), and Non (Catnip Publishing).
Click the image for a larger view.

The lovely RHCB publicists, Lauren and Kelly came, as I said, and it was great meeting them! They talked to us about a few of the books they publish, but mainly Fallen by Lauren Kate. And they came baring gifts! You wouldn't believe the squeeing that was made by us as we opened our ailver wrapped bound manuscripts of Torment, the sequel to Fallen! You have absolutely NO idea how excited I am to read this book! Finally, some answers to some questions! Unfortunately for you, though, you won't be reading any of my thoughts about the book until much closer to the release date, around October time. Yup, we were terribly lucky!

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Lynsey with both Lauren Kate books.
Click the image for a larger view.

Though there wasn't just gifts from the publicists. On Friday, before the meet up, we emailed each other with spare books we had, and swapped some on the day. I gave Becky my extra copy of The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and gave Sarah some urban fantasies in the middle of series I haven't yet started. Sarah gave me the whole Vampire Beach series by Alex Duval, and Sophie gave me her spare copy of Spirit Bound! I am absolutely dying to read it! I can't thank both girls enough.

bloggers meet up
Click the image for a larger view.

People had travelled from quite a way away, and some had other commitments, so slowly but surely, our group of 13 dwindled down to 6. First to go was Non, then the RHCB girls, then Carly, followed by Cat, who was then followed by Sarah and Nayu. That left me, Becky, Lynsey, Sophie, Sammee and Caroline.

Evetually, there was shopping. We spent forever in Waterstone's YA section, and moved on to another book shop who's name I forget, and then Foyles. To see what I bought, check out yesterday's IMM post. I had a severe case of book lust, and said several times "I want to live here" - at Waterstone's and at Foyles. I could have bought more books - I wanted to! - but I had to be sensible. My TBR pile is mad enough as it is.

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Me. With a dalek. In Waterstone's. It had to be done.
Click the image for a larger view.

Then, we went to Weatherspoons, for a well earned sit down and rest from the heavy bags we were dragging along the road behind us - and a drink of course. There was more talk! Male lit crushes, different types of review, other blogs, blogging ethics, and much more.

By the time half 7 came along, we were all tired and ready for home, so we called it a day. I had such a BRILLIANT time! It was great meeting, and seeing again in some cases, these wonderful bloggers that I admire. The first meet up was a brilliant success, and it won't be the last! Thank you to everyone who came along, and made such a great day! Some of the other girls mentioned writing posts about the event, so check out there blogs! :) Sarah has one with some really awesome photos, it's great!


  1. What a lovely time you all had. I can spend all day in Picadilly Waterstone's if you include the eateries!

  2. It sounds (and looks!) like a great day! Thanks for the report :) (your pics don't enlarge if you clicc them, by the way).

    Oh, and I love RHCB Lauren!! I'm seeing her again in June & can't wait :)

  3. Hee hee hee! The literary crush bit got me laughing. It reminded me of that fact I confessed my love for Simon Baker and Lark Rise to Candleford. These are normally facts I do not share with other human beings LOL. Thanks for the copy of Prince of Mist, I can't wait to read it :-)

  4. Great report Jo! I had so much fun chatting to everyone, I just wish I'd been able to stay later. Next time I'll definitely make sure I keep the whole day free so I don't have to rush off early :o) I'm already looking forward to the next meet up

  5. I forgot to say thank you so much for Lover Mine & Moon Sworn!! I can't wait to read them both :o) I hope you enjoy the Vampire Academy series!

    Also I love the pic of you with the dalek!!

  6. It's fantastic to read this report and see all the pictures. I'm really glad you all had a wonderful day!

  7. Cheers everyone for the comments! :)

  8. I REALLY hope you enjoy Spirit Bound. I need to talk about it with someone! :)

  9. It was great to see you again Jo and thanks for organising it all - it was a great day:)
