Wednesday, 24 February 2010

YA Book Bloggers (In and Around) London Meet Up

I loved the idea of the UK Book Bloggers Meet Up, and was looking forward to going, until I found out a few things - not many people I know seem to be going, like Becky of The Bookette, and it's 18+. Being mostly interested in meeting other YA bloggers - and some bloggers who review adult books too - from the UK that I already know online, I brought the idea of a YA book blogger meet up for those who live in London, or not too far from London, and she thought it was a good idea!

So, is anyone intested? A meet up in London for YA book bloggers of all ages - though if you're under 18, you'll have to come with an adult for your safety, even if you live in London. I know it's a pain, but your safety is important. The location or date hasn't been decided yet, this is just to find out if anyone would actually like to take part.

Just because I've said in or around London doesn't mean people farther away can't come if they want to. The more the merrier. You just have to be willing to travel, I suppose.

As well as saying if you're interested or not, any suggestions would be welcome. I don't think this should be too formal, but whatever your ideas are, comment with them, please. So yeah, let us know! :)

ETA: There's been a development that could be really good, but I'm not going to go into detail about it in case it falls through. However, to keep a closer eye on how many people are interested, and so I can contact you all when and if necessary, I'm now going to ask those who are interested to email me at joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com. Also, it would be a great help if you could post about this on your own blog, point people in the direction of this post, to generate more interest. Thanks.

Also, for some strange, stupid reason, Googlemail is playing up on me, and I'm unable to reply to emails at the moment. I am NOT ignoring you, or intending to be rude. I don't know what's wrong with it, but hopefully it will sort itself out soon, and I will then reply to you all. Thanks for understanding.


  1. Yup :) Hopefully a fair number of people will be interested!

  2. I'm just wondering - is there any interest in some authors coming along for part of whatever you do? I'm sure I could rustle up a few colleagues who'd love to come and meet you all.

  3. Well, I know I'd have no problem with authors coming along! Wow, that would be so awesome! If you and your fellow authors are happy to come along, it would be fantastic! I just hope more people show some interest! Oh, it's exciting!

  4. Oh my god! Keren is so awesome! Hell yes, we would love authors to be there!

  5. I'd be up for that. Sounds like a great idea!

  6. Eee, this is going to be good! If people could spread the word a little, maybe we could get more interest.

  7. I think this is a great idea :o) Depending on dates I'm definitely in! (Please don't make it the Easter weekend as I'm on holiday LOL). Would be great to meet some other UK bloggers & getting some authors there would be amazing!!

  8. That's fantastic! Brilliant, Sarah! :)

  9. I'd be up for that (if writers who haven't even had their books published yet are invited!). Great idea!

  10. Oh, of course! It would be awesome to meet you too! :D

  11. Jo, I will certainly re-post the info on The Bookette and send people your way.

  12. Thank you! :) I really appreciate it!

  13. I'd really love to come if it's a time/date I can manage. (This is a bit difficult, unfortunately! But I'm hoping!) Great idea, Jo, thanks!

  14. Aww, I wish I could come but I probably can't - am moving house at the end of March / beginning of april and I won't be able to come to London. But, I have an idea which I'm going to email you about - I know your email is playing up but I hope to be able to make contact!

    Have a great meet-up!

  15. Luisa - Ohh, I hope you can come too! It would be great to finally meet you!

    Nicola - Aww, that's a shame! Your email is in my inbox, so I shall read it now! :)

  16. I'd love to come (if I can make the date) - have sent you an email:)

  17. Awesome! I'll check out your email now!

  18. Definitely interested in meeting other UK book bloggers!!

  19. Awesome! I got your email and I've already replied! :)

  20. Hopefully it'll be after June 15th and then I can come without having to drag along my mum! Is that likely?

  21. Thanks for your interest, Sophie! I've emailed you back! :)
