Tuesday 12 January 2010

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Robin Maxwell's O, Juliet Love Games Contests

I received an email from Robin Maxwell, author of soon to be released O, Juliet (2nd Feb) about some contests she is holding on her forums:

O, Juliet Love Games

“Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.” -- Woody Allen

"'Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all. " -- Alfred Tennyson

Hi there,

I wanted to invite you and your readers to join in the fun of the "O, JULIET Love Games." To celebrate the publication of my newest novel (February 2nd), I've created a forum on my new blog, http://robinmaxwell.blogspot.com, where people can read about, and themselves talk about, all aspects of everybody's favorite emotion.

Above are a couple of my favorite love quotations. This week's "O, JULIET Love Games Challenge" asks readers to find a quote from literature or literary voices, poems or songs to share with everyone. In yesterday's post I suggest that they do a little research online -- perhaps google one of the many "love quotation" sites on the web. All I require (except for their email address) is that there be no duplicate entries. The prize is this beautiful hand blown glass heart necklace. They'll have two weeks to play.

O, Juliet Love Games

Last week's giveaway -- asking for readers to tell me what qualities in a lover are most important to them -- is still open till next Monday. I've already had over 100 entries! Readers can enter to win this pretty Thai silver heart necklace.

O, Juliet Love Games

Next week's game is for the grand prize -- a hand-crafted solid silver heart necklace.

O, Juliet Love Games

And I'll be announcing the "O, JULIET Love Poetry Competition" next week as well. Please write me at this address and let me know if you'd like to be kept updated (via email and newsletter) on all the Love Game events.

Thanks so much for help spreading the words of love!

Warm regards,


How cool is that?! Such an awesome idea! What lovely necklaces!


  1. Ohh, beautiful necklaces! Thank you for the heads up.

    And I know this is a little late, but I just wanted to say thank you for the suggestion on my Saturday Network! It's a good idea, and I might try implementing in the future. I don't think there are enough people yet to have participators make posts, but if the number increases, I'll definitely consider it. Thanks! :D

  2. Oh, you're welcome! I didn't realise the numbers were small, sorry. I just thought it may be a little easier for the commenters to have something to say :) I hope it all works out!
