Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Award Time!

The lovely ladies of two blogs have given me an award! Sarah of Sarah's Book Reviews and
La Coccinelle of The Ladybug Reads have both awarded me with the Over the Top award! Thank you ladies!

over the top award

Rules for this award: Answer each question with a one word answer and then pass along to five other bloggers.

(1) Your Cell Phone? Cracked
(2) Your Hair? Kinky
(3) Your Mother? Beautiful
(4) Your Father? A big kid (I know, that's 3, nevermind)
(5) Your Favorite Food? Steak
(6) Your Dream Last Night? Bus
(7) Your Favorite Drink? Diet Coke
(8) Your Dream/Goal? Publishing
(9) What Room Are You In? Front room
(10) Your Hobby? Reading
(11) Your Fear? Spiders
(12) Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? I don't know. Who, I could answer.
(13) Where Were You Last Night? Home
(14) Something That You Aren't? A "grown up"
(15) Muffins? No thanks
(16) Wish List Item? Jewellery
(17) Where Did You Grow Up? London
(18) Last Thing You Did? Watched TV
(19) What Are You Wearing? Cardigan
(20) Your TV? Wide screen
(21) Your Pets? None
(22) Friends? Elsewhere
(23) Your Life? Cool
(24) Your Mood? Content
(25) Missing Someone? Friends
(26) Vehicle? Public transport
(27) Something You Aren't Wearing? Fancy dress
(28) Your Favorite Store? Matalan
(29) Your Favorite Color? Black/Purple/Silver
(30) When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Earlier
(31) Last Time You Cried? Earlier
(32) Your Best Friend? Three
(33) One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Family
(34) Facebook? Here
(35) Favorite Place To Eat? The Venus

Ok, so I am going to pass this on to:

Sasha of The Sweet Bonjour
Kay of The Infinite Shelf
Charlotte of The Book on the Hill
The Mundie Moms
Sophie of So Many Books, So Little Time

Congrats to you all!


  1. Congratulations on your award, and fantastic answers! Now I'm really curious, though... Who do you want to be in 6 years' time? :)

  2. Congrats and thank you so much ! Cool answers ! :)

  3. Luisa - Thank you! "Who" should possibly be "what". I'd like to be working in children's publicity, methinks! And I'd like to be happy! Haha! :D

    Charlotte - You're welcome! :)

  4. Yayy congratulations, and I loved your answers :)

  5. "(12) Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? I don't know. Who, I could answer."

    Hey, you're cheating. So many not-a-single-word answers, LOL <3

    Congratulations <3<3<3 You deserve this award <3

  6. IanIan - Haha! Some things can't be answered with one word! Cheers! :)

    Sophie - You're welcome! And cheers!
