Thursday 26 November 2009

Thank You!

thank you**I am posting this on both my blogs, as some people read one blog or the other, not both.**

Today is Thanksgiving for those in the US, and, although Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in the UK, I wanted to write a thank you post today as a lot of people I need to thank are from/live in America. Before I start however - Happy Thanksgiving to all my American followers/blogging buddies! Hope you have an awesome day!

I have read some amazing books this year, so I want to start off by thanking the awesome authors who wrote them (even if they don't see this post). I couldn't possibly list all the books or all the authors, but I shall name a few that have made an impact on me in one way or another. So, for writing amazing novels that have made me laugh or cry, swept me up in the story, really feel for characters, and just blowing me away with your words, thank you to (in no particular order!):

Lisa Shearin
Luisa Plaja
Cassandra Clare
Becca Fitzpatrick
Rachel Vincent
Jeaniene Frost
Melissa Marr
Richelle Mead
Karen Chance
Rachel Caine
Suzanne McLeod
Suzanne Collins
Lauren Kate
Joanna Kenrick
Laura Ruby
Melvin Burgess

Also thank you to those I'm yet to read this year, yet to enjoy - thank you in advance.

There are also book bloggers I need to thank. A general thank you to all the bloggers whose blogs I read/follow for the recommending awesome books, for the giveaways and the memes, for inspiring me with my own blogs, for this awesome community you all make up.

I only started blogging properly this year, and neither of my blogs would be anything like what they are now without the support, help, encouragement, or useful posts from specific book bloggers, so thank you to (again, no particular order):

Kristi of The Story Siren
Lenore of Presenting Lenore
Bella of A Bibliophile's Bookshelf
Natasha of Maw Books
Shesten of I Heart Monster

I also want to thank all my followers/readers/commenters. I can't explain to you how awesome it is to see my followers number go up, knowing that the number represents that many individual people who like my blog enough to want to visit regularly. I really do appreciate every one of you checking out my blog, even the lurkers who don't leave comments. As nice as it is to receive comments, I know it's not necessary to leave a comment to enjoy reading someone's blog. Those who do leave comments, thank you for taking the time to do so; I enjoy reading what you think. So thank you to all of you!

Then there are the publishers! Thanks to each and every publisher - and author, on the odd occassion - who has sent me books to review. Every now and again, I do request books from publishers, but more often the books I receive to review are sent to me after the publisher has found me first. So thank you to Yannick of Prospera Publishing, Kat and Ally of Simon and Schuster UK, Lauren and Georgia of Kids at Random House, Ryann of St. Martin's Press, Sam of Orbit Books, and Chiara of Allison and Busby. I really appreciate being contacted about opportunities to review books, even if it turns out the book isn't what I'm interested in, or I review the book and don't like it. It's like every week could be Christmas, and it's just so cool. It genuinely delights and surprises me that people would like me to review their books. So thank you!

There are a few people I have got to know a bit better via email, namely Jenny of Wondrous Reads and Jessica of Nayu's Reading Corner. It's great to connect and make friends with people who understand my love of reading, and can get excited with over each others' news. I've enjoyed our email conversations, and it's been great getting to know you both better. Sorry I don't always reply quickly - sometimes life gets a little hectic.

Finally, I need to re-thank someone. Not only does this person write amazing, hilariously funny novels, but she is also a really lovely person. She was a great help to me when I ran Sex in Teen Lit Month on Once Upon a Bookcase back in July, whether it was with ecouragement and support, advice, recommendations, or taking an active part in it. And then she takes some time to chat with book lovers, me included, even though she is incredibly busy - and she is incredibly busy; as well as talking to/advising fellow book lovers, she's also the editor of fabulous YA book blog Chicklish, AND writes awesome novels, all at the same time. She has to be Superwoman in disguise, I swear. So thank you to you, yet again, Luisa Plaja.

I believe that's all the thanks I wanted to give. If I have left anyone out, I'm really sorry, but you are appreciated as well - thank you!

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I hope everyone has a great day!


  1. Oh, Jo, thank YOU! And you're welcome! And thank you! :)

    What a wonderful post. You're brilliant!

  2. Haha, thank you (for "you're brilliant"), and you're welcome! :) Have a great day!

  3. This is an adorable idea. You rock.

  4. Such a great spin on Thanksgiving. There are so many authors in that list I really want to read. Thanks for the shoutout :) Ink & Paper & Once Upon a Bookcase are some of my favorite blogs too :D

  5. Juju - Thank you! I thought it would be a nice idea :)

    Bella - You're welcome, and thank you! Ohh, they are all such awesome authors! :)

  6. Aww, very sweet post! Happy thanksgiving to you too! :)

  7. Was going through my feed reader and saw this! What a fantastic post, and how very thoughtful of you to include me, I'm flattered!

  8. Thank you :) And you're welcome; you and your blog have been a great help to me when trying to sort my own out :) Cheers!
