Saturday 31 October 2009

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren. Check out her awesome YA reviews.

Only one this week.

For Review:

The Dresskeeper by Mary Naylus

When Picky's Mum forces her to look after Gran, who has dementia, Picky is accidentally transported back to the year 1685, where a man in a wig insists she is someone called Amelia and tries to kill her. Managing to get the dress off just in time, Picky returns to the present with the dress covered in blood. Who is Amelia? Is she dead? Will wearing the other dresses in the chest take Picky back in time too? And does she dare put herself in danger again?

Looks good!

What did you get this week?


  1. Cute cover!

    I'm going to try to do an IMM this weekend. I didn't do one last week. :(

  2. I liked The Dresskeeper. The MC is a little younger than in most books I'd usually read, but I kind of liked it more because of that. Hope you enjoy it too!

  3. Oh that looks good. I'm psyched because I actually had something in my mailbox this week! I got The Man Who Loved Jane Austen via bookmooch, so yay!

  4. Jessica - It is quite cute! Cool, I'll look out for your post! :)

    Lauren - Cheers. I'm not sure whether I'm going to like it or not. I'm not too big on historical fiction. I have my fingers crossed!

    Bella - Awesome, I hope you enjoy your book!

  5. I am SO looking forward to this one.

  6. Awessome! I'm hoping I enjoy it!
