Friday, 31 July 2009

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And it Ends: Thank You!

Phew! So this is the last post for Sex in Teen Lit Month, and then we're done. It's gone by pretty quickly! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have! I have some thank you's to make - please bare with me, this may take a while.

Firstly, a big, huge, massive, ginourmous thank you to Luisa Plaja. This lady has gone so far beyond helpful and supportive, I'd say this was partly her baby too. Luisa helped me come up with the idea originally, supplied me with a list of titles as possibilities I could use for this month, supplied me with a copy of Extreme Kissing to review, agreed to be interviewed about it, sent me her thoughts on each of the books as a reader/mother/author to include with the reviews, supplied SiTL Month with a contest, has been available for me to ask opinion on various aspects of the month as I was working things out, helped me to get my hands on some of the books, and has been generally pro everything SiTL Month! Luisa, thank you so, so much for all your help with this month, you have been amazingly awesome, and I'm very sorry for clogging up your inbox! You are a STAR!

Thanks to all the wonderful authors who agreed to be interviewed! Your answers were just so fascinating to read! It was just so fantastic of you all for taking the time to answer some questions for us all, and for your support of SiTL Month too! So thank you to Tanya Lee Stone, Luisa Plaja (again), Joanna Kenrick, Sara Hantz, Laura Ruby, Mary Hooper, Serena Robar, and Melvin Burgess! You're awesome!

Cheers to all the wonderful ladies who contributed guestposts, author Jane Eagland, Ana of Things Mean a Lot, Kay of Infinite Shelf, and Kate of Another Book Blog-Whore. You're all fantastic, and your posts just so interesting!

Thank you to all the authors who wrote the books I covered for this month, which includes Nick Hornby and Julie Burchill.

And thank you to everyone who commented! It wouldn't have worked without you guys commenting, so thank you for taking an interest and for popping over to read it all and comment! You're all amazing!

I really did enjoy this month. It opened my eyes quite a bit. I hadn't read non-fantasy YA in a long time, and I didn't think it was for me, but decided to do this anyway because it was a subject I was interested in and because it's something I feel is important. I was completely wrong, YA is for me! I love it, and will be continuing to read it. You may just find that Ink and Paper Specials becomes my own YA book review blog :) We'll see.

My eyes were also opened by the books I read themselves, and how they dealt with the subject. They effected my way of thinking, and I'm no longer a teen! Each book made an impression in it's own way, but there were some that had quite a big impact, and made me look at things differently. I was going to list the ways, but it would just be far too long. When I have children of my own, I'll be sure to recommend all these books. Perhaps handing over any copies I own - as long as they don't damage them!

So, SiTL Month is now over. There's a possibility I may do something similar in the future, so as corny as this is, would you mind giving me your feedback on the month with this short survey, please? It's only 6 questions long, it shouldn't take you long to answer, and I'd really appreciate it! Cheers.

So thanks everyone for such an awesome month! It's been fun :)


  1. Thank you so much for doing this. It's been fascinating.

  2. And most of all, thank you for putting all of this together! We can see just how much work you've put into this, and the result was incredibly interesting. Congrats, and thanks! :D

  3. Well done - it turned out brilliant and is a credit to you!!!!!

    i really liked it and it opened my eyes so thanks!!!!

    Congrats ; )

  4. Hello Jo, I have been following this month although I haven't read all the posts as I haven't read all the books and want to avoid spoilers, and I think you have done an amazing job! I've really enjoyed it and it's been very interesting.

  5. Thank you to you all! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! I'm chuffed! :)

  6. And a huge THANK YOU to you for organising this great month!

  7. Cheers, Kate! You're lovely!

  8. Sorry I'm late, but I wanted to add my special thanks to you, Jo! THANK YOU!

  9. Oh, you're welcome :) And thank you, too!
