Reasons why I picked up this book: 1. Amazon recommended it, and it hasn't failed me so far. 2. I'm a fan of Melissa Marr, and she has mentioned how she's friends with Jeaniene Frost and recommends her books. They're the main reasons. If I'm completely honest, though, I wasn't sure if I would like it. The idea of a book about killing vampires didn't appeal. The blurbs I read weren't as detailed as what I've said above, so I didn't know a huge amount what it was about, and it just didn't grab me as much as some other books. There was also a hint of it being an adult book, and I was unsure if that was the kind of thing I wanted to read. But it was on the aforementioned "save for later" list, so I bought it. Best decision I made that day!
Halfway to the Grave is an AMAZING book! I know I have been loving my YA lately, but there's something to be said about adult books too. There were enough twists and turns, violence and danger to keep me on the edge of my seat, and the romance pulled at the heart strings, and was really quite beautiful at times. There was a great balance between the two, not one emphasised more than the other. I'm not sure there's a huge amount more I can say about it without spoiling it. It was just awesome! Read it!

Published: November 2007 in US / 8th April 2010 in UK
Publisher: Avon Books in US / Gollancz in UK
Jeaniene Frost's Website
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